Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

‘I celebrate the festival of Holi by serving the Saints, I am imbued with the deep crimson colour of the Lord’s divine love.’

Happy Holla Mahalla to everyone! We hope you had a fun filled time celebrating this amazing day, we sure did!

This month’s workshop focused on the celebration of Holla Mahalla which coincides with the Hindu festival of Holi. Both celebrate the life of Bhagat Praladh Ji, but for us, it was important to understand the clear difference and to learn of how our Gurus asked us to use our warrior and spritual self to truly honour the life of Bhagat Praladh Ji.

We learned of the time Sikhs approached Guru Arjan Dev Ji Mahraj, asking them an important question; ‘how should we celebrate Bhagat Ji.' Their response was simple: To imbue ourselves with Prema Bhagthi and Seva of Sangat. Guru Gobind Singh Ji Mahraj were also asked the same question and this is when they brought us the magic of Holla Mahalla; the vibrancy of battle and skill and spirtual prowess.

We are unique in many ways and our traditions are just as unique, Holla Mahalla represents the unique tradition of the Khalsa Panth, unchanged and maintained by our brothers in Dal. We shared the experiences of Singhs who have attended Holla Mahalla and shared videos of the different Dals getting together in true Mahalla fashion and joining each other, setting up camp and continuing their spiritual and physical bhagthi throughout their stay.

Sticking to vibrancy and celebration we asked out campers to decorate and cut along stencils that were sent out prior to the workshop. Once painted and decorated, we asked them to hang them up in celebration of Bhagat Pradladh Ji and in joining our Khalsa families in Punjabi also celebrating in the true Khalsa way.


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